White Cross

Off-Shore Wind Farm Application 77576 for on-shore cabling


The planning application is only in respect of the laying of the on-shore cable and its proposed route.

White Cross Wind Farm is for 8 floating wind turbines off Hartland Point and is a pilot project.

See: www.whitecrossoffshorewind.com

UPDATE JULY ’24 – further information has been received by North Devon Council (documents dated 02/07/24) consultation ends 27th August ’24.

To view all documents and submit a representation see:


  • Tuesday 21st May 2024, 11am to 4pm, at Braunton Parish Hall, 5 Chaloners Rd, Braunton EX33 2ES
  • Tuesday 21st May 2024, 6pm to 8pm at Isaac Hall, Braunton Academy, Barton Ln, Braunton EX33 2BP
  • Wednesday 22nd May 2024, 11am to 6:30pm, at North Devon Cricket Club, The Pavilion Sandhills, Bideford EX39 4LF

Dear Love Braunton,

Thank you for your email. I can confirm that whilst the regulations allow for agreement following the expiry of the statutory period for determination, I agreed with the applicant on the 8th January 2023 to an extension of time with the precise date being agreed following discussion and the formulation of an appropriate timeframe. This has now been agreed as the 1st July 2024. The relevant letters will be publicised shortly.

I trust the above satisfies your queries.


Neale Hall

Case Officer – Whitecross onshore development proposal Strategic Development & Planning | Place Services | North Devon Council | Barnstaple

Dear Mr Hall

Thank you for responding to our letter dated 5th January and confirming that an extension has been agreed with the applicant to the 1st July 2024.

We note from your mail to the applicant dated 16th January 2024 that additional  information will be submitted by 23rd February 2024 which will then be subject to public consultation.

We note that the relevant letters will be publicised shortly.

Kind regards,

Love Braunton

Love Braunton’s first letter of objection (26.10.23) to the on-shore cabling proposal:


Love Braunton’s second letter of objection (03.11.23) to the on-shore cabling proposal:


Love Braunton’s third letter of objection (12.11.23) to the on-shore cabling proposal:


Submission on Planning Portal: we believe that this submission illustrates very well why the White Cross onshore application is of no benefit to our local community and the wider South West:

Natural England’s Consultation response dated 3/11/23 is now on the Planning Portal – Application link: https://planning.northdevon.gov.uk/Planning/Display/77576 Documents tab / Consultation Responses

The response is a comprehensive 153 page consideration of the White Cross application that they summarise in their opening statement as: After reviewing the Application documents, we feel that there remain a number of fundamental concerns in relation to the application as currently submitted. Until further information/evidence and updated assessments are provided we are unable to agree with the Applicant’s conclusions, advise on the significance of any impacts and appropriateness of any mitigation measures. Natural England therefore requests the Application is put on hold until the required information/evidence is provided.

Love Braunton statement given at Braunton Parish Council meeting 24th October ’23 where the application was rejected by the Council:


Presentation given at public meeting 12th October ’23:


If you have any questions please email us at: connect@lovebraunton.org and we will try to answer them.


The proposal is in response to the well-known need for sustainable energy. The power generated by the turbines would be fed into the National Grid via a cable that would run in part along the seabed until landfall at Saunton Sands, when the cable will then pass across the land to Crow Point where once again it will go under the estuary up to the sub-station at east Yelland. The proposed route crosses landscape that is both sensitive and in some cases designated.

We draw attention to the Parish Neighbourhood Plan where a number of policies are applicable to this application.

The biggest concern is the impact on the village and local economy during the construction period, which is currently predicted to be 2 years, with up to 92 HGV trips per day along Caen Street and main parts of Saunton beach fenced off. Construction will also impact the local ecology.